Jan 29, 2025
3 min read

MC Pay Updates for Q4 and Plans for New Q1

In the previous quarter, MC Pay underwent some cool changes and took even more important steps towards improving the user experience. In this post, as always, we share with you the best MC Pay updates for Q4 and our plans for Q1 2025. Keep reading!

App Updates in Q4

  1. New List of Countries for the Payment Method “To an Account in EUR”

Now even more countries will be able to withdraw their earnings in Euros. Among them are:

Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam

  1. Extra Way to Request an Advance 

For users who want to see all possible terms of the deal at once, we have added information in the Advance Calculator. In the new block, the creator can immediately see the terms and conditions that are offered to them when they receive an Advance.

Information about the available amount and other terms and offer comes to the user through push, notification and email.

  1. 6 New Cryptocurrencies in MC Pay

MC Pay will now have these cryptocurrency wallets available as well:

  • XRP (Ripple)
  • ADA (Cardano)
  • TRX (Tron)
  • LTC (Litecoin)
  • BCH (Bitcoin Cash)
  • Doge (Dogecoin)

XRP/ADA/TRX/DOGE transactions are only possible via Bitcoin.

You need to buy Bitcoin and exchange it for the required currency to add funds to your crypto wallet.

  1. Limited Request of an Advance for an Advance

Previously, the “Request an Advance” button became available after the first partial repayment, even if it was 5%. 

Thus, users with large debts were given the opportunity to request Advance (and were denied as a consequence). To avoid misunderstandings on both sides, now the “Request an Advance” button will only become available after the user has paid off at least 50% of the active Advance.

  1. Filter by Country in Payment Methods

As output methods become more and more numerous, we want to help users automate this process. Therefore, a filter by country has been added to the Payment methods section. This way the creator will immediately understand which withdrawal methods are available and which are not yet.

  1. Profile Confirmation via Telegram 

Sometimes our users have difficulty verifying their profile. That’s why we work daily to add even more ways to activate a profile. Now users have the opportunity to receive 2FA codes in Telegram – this will help to solve the problem with users who do not receive SMS.

MC Pay Plans for Q1

Even though the year has just begun, we are already setting ambitious plans for this quarter. We decided to share them with you with the help of our Product Team Lead Maxim Trofimov:

  • Accelerating transaction speed (we work to get your money to you even faster)
  • Improvements to our payment license (creation of a euro account, improvements to the business cabinet in the dashboard, API improvement)
  • Full launch of our service under ShortsPay program
  • Launch of the new Garna app 

We are sure that you will definitely appreciate the new features of MC Pay. So download our application in the App Store and Google Play and dive into the world of fintech right now.

Best wishes,

Mediacube team

By Veronica Kovalenko
Veronica Kovalenko


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