Oct 29, 2024
2 min read

Great YouTube Updates: Ad Blocking, Shorts Stickers and More

In its latest updates, YouTube has introduced us a number of features that will make the creator’s life even easier. Among them are new stickers in Shorts, fresh activities in SuperChat and other cool stuff. We’ll tell you more about it in this article.

YouTube Updates

The first new feature was a sticker poll in Shorts. Yes, we’ve already seen a similar thing on Instagram. Nevertheless, this feature was undoubtedly sorely lacking in YouTube Shorts. Now every viewer can participate in voting and immediately see the result.

Overall, the new feature will help increase engagement with content, which is definitely a positive. Speaking of which, it would look something like this:

YouTube Updates

As YouTube representatives state:

“Up till now, if creators wanted to poll their communities, they could only do so by creating a poll post, or by asking users to comment on a video. Now, creators can add a poll sticker directly to their Short and have their viewers tap an option to vote.”

Second, YouTube is FINALLY adding detailed stats on videos. We should clarify that the data will now be defined by content type, making life easier for every creator. This will make it easier for all of us to understand what content we should focus on at the moment. The updated analytics will be available both on the website and in the mobile version.

Stats in video

And now the news about SuperChat. It’s been a while since we’ve talked about it, hasn’t it? YouTube representatives decided to draw attention to this feature with the help of “Goals” on the streams. All in all, the attempt to gamify streamers sounds like a great idea. It would look like this:


Goals will now be available for SuperChat viewers to participate in and receive prizes from the creator. When the timer is about to expire, each SuperChat viewer will have a custom animation.

Lastly, we saved some good news for you. Now, every creator will be able to choose the ad categories they would like to have before their video. On the one hand, this is cool for preserving the image of the creator. On the other hand, it will negatively affect the income anyway.

We’ll keep following the news from the world of social media. Meanwhile, we recommend you read our other news and articles from the Blog section.

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By Veronica Kovalenko
Veronica Kovalenko


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