Oct 22, 2024
2 min read

New Feature from Meta: Face Recognition

Nowadays, we often encounter scams involving the use of other people’s data without the user’s knowledge. Meta decided to make its own contribution to the cybersecurity of its users. In this article, we will tell you about 2 new methods Meta uses to detect fakes.

Face Recognition

Users often encounter the first thing: scam ads from celebrities. Unfortunately, the development of AI has made it possible to use the faces of celebrities for profit. 

So Meta came up with a feature that would recognize and match celebrity faces. Now, with the help of new technology, ads from fraudulent websites with celebrities will be blocked instantly.

As Meta states:

“If our systems suspect that an ad may be a scam that contains the image of a public figure at risk for celeb-bait, we will try to use facial recognition technology to compare faces in the ad to the public figure’s Facebook and Instagram profile pictures. If we confirm a match and determine the ad is a scam, we’ll block it. We immediately delete any facial data generated from ads for this one-time comparison, regardless of whether our system finds a match, and we don’t use it for any other purpose.”

In its second update, Meta will introduce a new mechanism for account recovery. Basically, the feature will ask for video selfies to restore access to accounts. Yes, you read that right: Meta will now have its own Face ID too.

Actually, this idea sounds cool and seems useful, as it reduces the chance of users’ accounts being hacked. This way, Meta will compare the profile picture with the provided video selfies. In our opinion, these upgrades will make Meta much safer for users.

We will keep following the news from the world of social media. Meanwhile, read our other news and articles from the Blog section.

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By Veronica Kovalenko
Veronica Kovalenko


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