Jul 29, 2024
1 min read

New in TikTok: Thumbnail Editing!

Wow, that’s news! Now content creators can finally sleep well, because TikTok has finally introduced the feature we’ve all been waiting for: thumbnail editing. We’ll talk more about the news in this post. Keep scrolling!

New in TikTok

What’s new?

We can’t help but notice that TikTok is actively incorporating features from Reels to Instagram into their app. According to many creators, the social network lacked the feature of adding custom thumbnails, which spoiled the aesthetic look of the feed on creators’ profiles.

Before the introduction of the feature (which we will describe below), the profile looked like this:

Old video thumbnail

You gotta admit, it doesn’t look good, buddy. Finally the TikTok team has solved this visual problem. In general, now any user regardless of the number of subscribers and profile verification can upload their custom thumbnails. 

Oh, we forgot to say the most important thing: you can change the thumbnail to a new one even in already published videos. It looks like this:

upload button

The mechanism is simple: just go to the video settings, click on the existing thumbnail and click the “Upload” button. Voila!

For better clarity, we are sharing a video with detailed instructions. Although the feature seems insignificant, it is now much easier to attract users’ attention.

We are sure that TikTok will surprise us with new features soon. That’s why we continue to follow the updates and talk about them in our Blog section.

By Veronica Kovalenko
Veronica Kovalenko


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