Nov 4, 2024
2 min read

New on Instagram: Convenient Way To Sort Your Inbox!

Creators, we’ve been waiting for it: finally, your DMs will have all your messages sorted by helpful filters. How will this feature work, and why will it make life easier for creators? We’ll tell you in this new post.

New on Instagram

Previously, creators encountered some issues with DMs daily. More often than not, the flood of messages made it impossible to find relevant information and potentially useful collaborations. Now this problem has been solved. Instagram representatives presented a new kind of DMs to users:

What’s changed? Posts will now be categorized by number of followers, account type, message type (reply to Stories), verified accounts, etc. Some of you may ask: what exactly is the advantage of this feature? Although the update seems insignificant for ordinary users, for big creators it is literally a lifeline. From now on, no potentially important message will be overlooked.

As IG head Adam Mosseri states :

“When you go to the requests inbox, sometimes it can be really overwhelming, and I’ve heard this a lot from creators I’ve talked around the world. So what we’ve done is we’ve added ways to filter down those requests to just see the ones that you’re looking for.”

For one reason or another, Instagram became a huge platform for business communications. That’s why they spend more and more time and resources on making it easier to use DMs for marketing and business purposes.

We will keep following the development of this news. Meanwhile, we recommend reading our other news and articles in the Blog section.

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By Veronica Kovalenko
Veronica Kovalenko


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