Aug 16, 2024
4 min read

Tips for new YouTubers

If you have finally and irrevocably decided to run your YouTube channel, then you should remember some important things. In this article, we will tell you what rules you need to follow, how to develop a channel and attract subscribers. And of course, how to start making money on YouTube. So, where do we start?

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1. Define your niche

Define your niche

1.1 Market research

The simplest advice is to make videos on topics that you can talk about almost endlessly. Yes, there are niches that are unlikely to be very popular, and you need to be aware of this. But there are also areas that can bring in a stable income even with less views. Of course, if we are talking about your desire to earn money, not about realizing your creative potential. Nevertheless, we recommend that you research the market and understand what really attracts viewers now.  


  • Analyze your competitors.
  • Estimate how many views videos in your chosen niche normally receive.
  • Think about how you can stand out from the competition.

1.2 Creating a content plan

Perhaps the most boring, but at the same time essential point at the first stages. You can’t make videos on a whim, you will need regularity. Therefore, think about what you would like to shoot at least a month in advance — and this will greatly relieve you in the future.


  • Make a list of video topics for a month in advance.
  • Plan time for filming and editing videos.
  • Consider trends and events related to your niche.

2. Creating quality content

Creating quality content

2.1 Hardware and software

If you’re a little older, you should remember Steve Ballmer’s legendary speech, where he shouted “Developers! Developers! Developers!” We won’t shout, of course, but it’s still important not to forget about “Quality! Quality! Quality!” Nowadays, almost every user has a more or less good device that can play videos, if not in 4K, then in 1080p, so you might find the following useful: 

  1. A smartphone with a good camera or a professional camera.
  2. A microphone for recording clear sound.
  3. LED lamps or softboxes for lighting.
  4. Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or their free analogs.


  • Don’t skimp on sound. Bad sound can scare away viewers.
  • Use natural light if you can’t afford lamps.

2.2 Video structure

A quality video should be structured. Start with an introduction, then the main part, and conclusion. Don’t forget to call to action (subscribe, like, comment).


  • Try to keep the viewers’ attention, don’t make your videos too long.
  • Use visual and text inserts to explain important points.
  • Remember that now the first 5 and 30 seconds of the video are extremely important for attracting the viewer, so that the person will definitely decide to watch it to the end.

2.3 Post-production and editing

Editing is an important part of video production. It allows you to improve the quality and add professional elements.


  • Cut unnecessary parts.
  • Add effects and transitions.
  • Use background music to create the vibe.

3. Promotion and interaction with the audience

Promotion and interaction

3.1 SEO for videos

To make sure your videos are found by viewers, it’s important to optimize them for search. Use keywords in the title, description, and tags.


  • Conduct keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner or TubeBuddy.
  • Use attractive video thumbnails.

3.2 Interaction with the audience

Reply to comments, conduct polls, and interact with your subscribers. This will help build a loyal community around your channel.


  • Stream live to connect with your audience.
  • Post regular updates and announcements on your social media.

3.3 Using social media

This advice may seem strange but actually, for some reason many forget that if you are engaged in YouTube, you still need to develop your other social networks. A huge number of tools have been created for your promotion, so use them.


  • Use Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, whatever you can to attract new audiences.
  • Publish announcements and video clips to keep your followers interested.


Starting a YouTube career can be challenging, but with the right tools and strategies, you can succeed. Follow our tips and your channel is sure to attract viewers and grow. Remember to experiment and improve to always stay interesting to your audience.

Good luck!

By Andrew Masenzov
Andrew Masenzov


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