Aug 15, 2024
1 min read

YouTube Adds AI Topics in Live Streams: What’s new?

The use of AI in services is now a new trend. That’s why YouTube is actively integrating AI into its hosting operation. Now the changes have reached Live Streams as well. Let’s see what’s changed!

AI Topics

The YouTube team has been experimenting with incorporating AI into the hosting experience for a while. Now the changes have made their way to Live Streams. YouTube surprised its users with a new feature: chat summaries on Live Streams using AI. For example, here’s what this feature will look like:

AI Topics

“In our opinion, everything will become much more convenient: now both the new viewer and the streamer will understand how the chat reacts to the Live Stream. In general, this will make it easier to hold Live Streams.” — says Galina Enich, Operations Manager in our IT Department.

By the way, that’s not all. YouTube is also introducing an animation on the “Join” button every time the streamer will encourage viewers to subscribe to their channel on a Live Stream. Sounds cool, right?  Presumably it would look like this:

animation on the Join button

As we can see, more and more YouTube features are being accompanied by AI. Is this a pro or a con? We look forward to your opinion in the comments. In the meantime, we continue to follow and share the news in our Blog.

By Veronica Kovalenko
Veronica Kovalenko


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