Oct 16, 2024
2 min read

YouTube Updates: From Speed Control to Collaborative Playlists

We’re as surprised as you are: YouTube has decided to really grab our attention this October. Not long ago, the YouTube team announced updates that will make it easier to use the server. What are they? We’ll tell you right now.

Surprisingly, there are actually plenty of updates. Moreover, many of them are really useful and will be in demand among users. Without procrastination, let’s go through them all in order.

  1. Sleep timer

We are all familiar with the situation: you come home from work, turn on YouTube, and suddenly fall asleep. And bang: in the morning, your recommendations have changed because of the videos you “watched” all night. To avoid such situations, YouTube introduces a sleep timer. 

It’s simple: you choose the time of playback and the service will automatically stop all videos.

  1. “Badges” for activity

The YouTube team has added special sticker badges that will be given to users for their activity on the creator’s channel (from the number of comments to sponsored subscriptions).

We don’t know how useful it is yet, but it looks really cute!

  1. Collaborative playlists

What we were really waiting for. Now you can share a link or QR code with a friend and share interesting content.

Speaking of which, you and your friends can also choose the thumbnail for your playlist, move the order of videos and rate them. We think it’s cool!

  1. New playback speed

From today, you can select speeds in increments as small as 0.05 seconds. The natural question is: What for? In our opinion, this is a great feature for those who study foreign languages or parse videos by specific fragments (as a hobby or as a job).

In any case, this kind of update will definitely find its fans.

  1. Improved miniplayer 

In the age of multitasking, being able to combine watching videos and finding new content is not a luxury, but a necessity. Now the user experience is about to get even better.

Viewers will be able to resize and move the miniplayer in the YouTube mobile app. All in all, very convenient and practical.

Also, a couple of visual changes are expected on YouTube TV and YouTube Shorts. We will actively continue to follow the news on this topic. Meanwhile, read our other articles and news in the Blog section.

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By Veronica Kovalenko
Veronica Kovalenko


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