Jul 26, 2024
3 min read

How To Make Money Food Blogging?

It’s no secret that we all love to eat good food. But what if someone doesn’t just enjoy every meal, but makes an entire career out of it? Yes, we are talking about food blogging. Those, whose recipes we save on a daily basis. Is it possible to make money by filming food? How to make money food blogging? We will answer all the questions in this article. Start scrolling!

Food Blogging

In one of the past articles, we talked about how to make money from a travel blog. Although it seems that the topic doesn’t affect the choice of tools for making money from content, there is no single strategy for all creators. Moreover, if you promote according to the strategy of a gamer/travel content creator/reviewer, you are unlikely to achieve the same success. In general, you need other tools.

What’s the Secret of Cool Food Content Creators?

There are a few life hacks that will help you make your videos more appealing and attract new subscribers.

1. Good camera

Good camera

Don’t neglect this item as you need to take close-up shots of the food. Really, a beautiful picture is half the way to success. By the way, we shared with you the top list of cool cameras in this article.

2. Variety of recipes

Variety of recipes

A cool food content creator doesn’t just focus on desserts or a dozen types of pasta. In general, you need to surprise your audience with a variety of different videos to attract them.

3. Channel development strategy

Channel development strategy

In fact, making a video without a strategy and thoughts about the promotion and monetization of the channel is not the best idea. First, think about how often you should post videos. Secondly, analyze the target audience for future advertisers. Believe us: it’s only a matter of time!

How To Make Money Food Blogging?: Top 5 Ways 

Food Blogging

1. Affiliate marketing

This is probably the easiest way to make money in this case. It’s quite simple: the advertiser offers you a link to place under your video, and after that you’ll get money for each click of a subscriber. Everybody wins!

2. Product placement

Even though you would think that food content creators don’t have many promotional offers, you would be wrong. Often, YouTube creators place promotional products in videos in such a way that you don’t even notice them. Yes, that’s the magic of product placement.

3. Merch and other author’s products

How often do you see recipe books or video courses with recipes for cool dishes? We see it very often! What’s more, you can even create your own branded products that your subscribers will buy because of your media exposure. 

4. Offline Master Classes

Although this idea is not as easy to implement, the potential earnings will really surprise you. Another benefit is that a lot of people who are not familiar with your online activities may get interested after the class.


Well buddy, it’s time to monetize your channel. We’re already waiting for your recipe videos to save them. Who knows, maybe you’re the next Gordon Ramsay.

Good luck!

By Veronica Kovalenko
Veronica Kovalenko


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